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我院教师在SSCI管理学一区顶刊 Technological Forecasting & Social Change发表最新研究成果

发布时间:2022-12-22 13:42 浏览:次 来源:澳门新葡平台网址8883

近日,我校澳门新葡平台网址8883教师、新闻与传播学科组骨干成员、品牌科学研究所研究员、重庆市品牌学会理事张健副教授以第一作者、重庆文理学院为第一单位在SSCI区域和城市规划领域重要期刊Technological Forecasting & Social Change发表题为“Critical success factors of blockchain technology to implement the sustainable supply chain using an extended decision-making approach”的研究论文,通讯作者为吉林大学中国特色社会主义理论体系研究中心纪明教授。


Abstract:Recently, blockchain technology has greatly revolutionized industries by offering a variety of applications in various domains, including finance, healthcare, the food industry, and the supply chain. Blockchain generally refers to a secured, shared, distributed ledger comprising a list of transactions, which is not modifiable without reaching a consensus. Blockchain technology attempts to prepare the stage for smart networks for data mobility, which can remarkably make sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) more productive and transparent. Thus, numerous companies have either already started the implementation of this technology or are currently considering it in order to enhance their business quality. Therefore, in this paper, a new decision framework called the q-rung orthopair fuzzy set (q-ROFS)-entropy-rank sum-weighting method (RSWM)-multi-objective optimization with ratio analysis with the full multiplicative form (MULTIMOORA) is developed. In this approach, the q-ROF-entropy-RSWM is utilized to obtain the subjective and objective weights of critical success factors, and the MULTIMOORA model is used to assess the preferences of manufacturing firms to implement blockchain technology in SSCM. An empirical case study is taken to evaluate the critical success factors of implementing blockchain technology in SSCM. Also, comparison and sensitivity investigation are made to show the superiority of the developed framework.


《Technological Forecasting and Social Change》(科技预测与社会改变)是ABS三星期刊,SSCI中科一区TOP,JCR一区,IF2021:10.884,该期刊是社会科学、信息战略领域知名期刊,在区域和城市规划领域中,该期刊排名第一(总40)。




